What is a Funnel? 

In business and marketing, a "funnel" refers to a model that illustrates the journey potential customers go through from initial awareness of a product or service to the final purchase.

The term "funnel" is used because the number of potential customers typically decreases at each stage, resembling the shape of a funnel.

To create a funnel, please follow the instruction below:

1) Go to Online Booking Settings

2) Go to Funnel Steps

3) On the funnel page you have the capability to

a) Import funnels that are already made by click on the Import button

b) Create new funnel(s) just by clicking on Create New Funnel from Scratch

After you click on Create New Funnel from Scratch, you can choose a name for the funnel and press Create.

4) On the funnel page, just click on the plus button to begin to add new funnels.

a) You have the capability to select pages from Own Pages, Templates Pages, Forms, Information Pages, Terms and Agreements Pages, Thank You Pages,  Premium Sales Pages and even more.

b) Just choose the page you want and press Select.


c) For the page that you just added you have capability to delete/replace/edit it and view

d)You can decide whether to make any additional modifications to the funnel by pressing the view button, which allows you to see how the funnel appears to the user.

e)If you press the edit button, you have the capability to customize your funnel as much as you want.
For more details about how to customize your funnel, please visit Website Builder: How to create new pages and use the website builder 
A very useful feature that can connect your funnel with your Courses, Memberships,Online  Booking,  Online Meetings, and Products is shortcodes.
Just drag and drop the Shortcode where you need it, and it will appear on your funnel.

Online Booking


Online Meetings



5) If you want to add another page just click on the plus button and select a new page from menu.

6) After you complete all the changes you want, press End of Funnel to exit and save. 

A very important and useful feature is that the funnels are linked between them and can also transfer user information from one to another.