From this page you can see the medical history of your client.

Here you have the capability to view, edit or delete an existing consent form of your client.

1.To view an existing consent form press the "View CF" button.

2.To edit an existing consent form press the "Edit" button.

3.To delete an existing consent form press the "Delete" button.

You can sign new form by pressing the "Sign New Form" button.


Medical history is a nice section where you have the option to track specific settings regarding the treatment of your clients. You can open the a form and see all notes and all medical changes in the composition of the body. The body composition fields will help you see certain procedures and details like the percentage of fat in the ischium muscles, physique metabolic age, or daily caloric entrance. This way, you have the ability to create and track different record files, export or create custom entries and go from one treatment to another. At the same time, you have nice filters and defaults that you can use, you can offer products that the customer can purchase, based on their medical history. You can offer products for the customer to purchase, you can recommend the product, all the clients have to do is add the specific product in the shopping cart. Also, the Diagnosis function will help you add a new record and see all the customer`s questions.