From this page, you can set up the services commissions based on lower/upper limits of the sales for the selected services category.

The entries are used in the “Commissions Sheets” report when the “Commission Settings” parameter is set to “Courses and Services Commissions (upper and lower limit)”.


To display the entries/rules for a services category, select the section and category of the services from the top of the page.

To add a new entry for the selected category, press the “Add Services Category Commission” button located in the bottom section of the page.

Specify the limits for the sales amount and the commission percentage of the sales and then press the “Add Services Category Commission” button.

The upper limit is optional and must be left blank for the last rule in the list.
E.g. we have 1% commission for sales between 1000 and 5000 and 2% for sales past 5000 then we add 2 entries:

To edit an existing entry of the selected services category, press the “Edit” button of the entry from the entries list page.


Make the necessary changes and then press the “Save changes” button.

To delete the selected entry, press the “Delete Services Category Commission” button.